Category Archives: Politics

Hawaii Residents Eat Cheap in Hard Times

(Added 9/30/09: If you’re looking for the best burger or cheeseburger in Hawaii, read this review.)

Residents of Hawaii frequently eat cheap food away from home and those cheap foods carry a high hidden cost in the form of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer while increasing profits to fast food companies.

According to Angelina Ahedo, lead author of a study published in 2007 on how frequently members of different ethnic groups living in Hawaii eat fast food:

Native Hawaiian [study] participants ate at fast food restaurants more frequently than Chinese, Caucasian, Filipino, and Japanese participants (p < .05).

Her study also showed that participants with higher BMIs (an indicator of obesity) ate more frequently at fast food restaurants. She also found that gender, income level, of Native Hawaiian ancestry, consuming away-from-home foods, and dieting to lose weight were significant predictors of high BMI.

A second study recently published this week by The Cancer Project looked at rocketing sales of “Value Menu” items offered by fast food chains. They found that five most popular cheap eats are:

  1. Junior bacon cheeseburger – Jack in the Box
  2. Cheesy double beef burrito – Taco Bell
  3. Breakfast sausage biscuit – Burger King
  4. McDouble – McDonald’s
  5. Junior bacon cheeseburger – Wendy’s

According to a 2005 report from the Institute of Medicine on the marketing of junk food, the main targets of Value Menu marketing are teenagers, young adults and minorities — in other words, most of Hawaii. Add in hard economic times, and it’s easy to see why the sales of McDonald’s Dollar Menu raised over $5 billion in revenue five years after it started.

Such huge financial gains to companies come at a high price to individual and public health in the form of chronic diseases. When taking the ill health effects into account, I wonder how much does that 99-cent McDouble really cost Hawaii?


1. A. Ahedo et al. Californian Journal of Health Promotion. 2007; 5(2):1-12. Available at: . Acccessed 12/15/08.

2. The Cancer Project. Cheap Eats for Hard Times: The five most unhealthful fastfood ‘value menu’ items. Winter 2008. Available at: . Accessed 12/15/08.

3. Institute of Medicine. Food Marketing to Children and Youth: Threat or Opportunity?.  December 6, 2005. Available at: . Accessed 12/15/08.

Holiday Baking Hawaiian Style

Want to give your holiday baking a little island flair? Try adding some flavors from Hawaii like coffee, rum, apple banana, mango, papaya, coconut, vanilla beans, and, of course, Maui cane sugar. You can easily order these ingredients online if you can’t them in a store nearby (see resource list below for suggestions). Or ask someone who’s going on vacation to bring you back a few things.

(Hawaiian style it: Individual servings of apple banana bread with vanilla rum sauce)

One of my favorite holiday recipes is Hawaiian apple banana bread with vanilla bean rum sauce. Start with your favorite banana bread recipe, but substitute apple banana puree (about 1.5 cups puree for 2 whole bananas). Same for the sauce. Use your favorite icing recipe and add a splash of Hana rum and ground vanilla beans. Sprinkle the top with freshly shredded coconut.

Another crowd pleaser is Kona coffee cake. I never leave a party with anything but an empty pan. Using your favorite coffee cake recipe, substitute finely ground pure Kona coffee. I especially love using peaberry from the Hualalai area. I also find that adding fresh, unrefrigerated eggs from your nearest hens really plumps up the flavor of the coffee. A hint of vanilla bean or dark chocolate tastes fabulous, too.

For any of your holiday baking, you can substitute raw Maui cane sugar for demera and turbinado sugars. The golden color of the Maui cane caramelizes beautifully.

During the holidays, it’s the simple pleasures that we enjoy most: time with family and friends and good food. Enjoy and aloha!

Online shopping for Hawaiian foods:

The Hawaii Quarter Marks the End of 50-State Program

Collectors (including my in-laws on the Mainland) will be delighted because the long-anticipated commemorative Hawaii quarter was released today. It’s available from local banks at face value in $10 rolls or from specialty quarter dealers for up to 10 times face value for uncirculated coins.

The final design–King Kamehameha, Hawaii’s iconic ruler who united all the islands in the 1800s–reflects one aspect of Hawaii’s history that is unique: it was an independent kingdom before being colonized during the Spanish-American war by the United States.

Other competing quarter designs that were eliminated include an image of Diamond Head with a surfer and a hula dancer. In the end, the committee wanted an image uniquely Hawaiian and easily recognizable without reading the words on the coin.

On the winning design, there is a map of the main Hawaiian islands and the state’s motto in Hawaiian, “Ua mau ke ea o ka aina I ka pono.” The motto translates to “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.” In other words, doing the right thing allows the people and land to endure.

Hawaii quarter marks the end of the wildly popular 50-state quarter program, with perhaps as many 150 million people participating in collecting. The Hawaii quarter is the last of the 50 state quarters to be released during the decade-old program because Hawaii was the final state to join the union.

Links to other articles about the Hawaii Quarter:

US Mint

AP story


Honolulu Star Bulletin