Category Archives: Politics

First of three new attack subs, the USS Hawaii, pulls into Pearl Harbor

The Navy has been busy building the next-generation of attack submarines, called “Virginia class”, and the first of these, the USS Hawaii, built at a cost of $2.5 billion pulled into Pearl Harbor July 23rd at 9:30 am HST. It’s controlled by touch screen and joy stick, not wheel and shaft.

USS Hawaii leaving Connecticut bound for Pearl Harbor


The public was invited to attend the arrival ceremony, which started at 8 am HST, with a Hawaii Air National Guard F-15 jet flyover and the Pacific Fleet Band, the Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club, Halau Hula Olana Ai, Kahuna Pule Ganotise and a haka by Pa Kuci a Lua.

This morning’s arrival ceremony is a warmup for the 50th anniversary events marking Hawaii’s statehood next month. The USS Hawaii is the first commissioned submarine named for the State of Hawai‘i.

USS Hawaii being tugged into Pearl Harbor

If you visit the USS Hawaii, try to spot Governor Linda Lingle’s initials chalked on a plate on the bulkhead wall outside the crew’s mess.  She had a welder inscribe them during a keel-laying ceremony in Rhode Island back in  2004. Continue reading First of three new attack subs, the USS Hawaii, pulls into Pearl Harbor

Governor Lingle poised to sign new internet tax law

As you may know, Hawaii’s Internet retail tax bill, 1405, has been passed by the House and Senate and the Governor’s approval is now pending. As far as I have heard, Governor Linda Lingle has yet to veto the bill. If she doesn’t veto by July 15th it will likely become law. If the law passes–and it’s likely to because the state budget has a serious shortfall–Hawaii residents will have to pay 4.2% General Excise Tax on all online purchases. This additional tax will add significantly to already stretched household budgets. Email your opinion on the proposed tax directly to the Governor before July 15, 2009 (

Hawaii Superferry Sunk

In case you’ve missed the drama unfolding over the past three years, here’s a recap of how the Hawaii Superferry got sunk. The State of Hawaii didn’t follow the rules to perform an environmental impact statement before forking over about $50 million for its pet project, the Hawaii Superferry. Instead, Governor Linda Lingle got a special session of the Legislature to create a new law exempting the Superferry from an EIS.

The boats were built and launched to Oahu-Kauai and Oahu-Maui. Protestors filled the Nawiliwili Harbor in Kauai, effectively blocking the ferry. It never once docked there. People on Maui protested, but weren’t as radical and ferry service floated for about one year. In the meantime, the Sierra Club together with other citizen groups sued the State over the EIS that was never performed. The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled 2009 that the new law (called Act 2) exempting them from EIS was unconstititional, immediately stopping ferry service.

Now the company that still owes over $137 million on the two high-speed catamarans is filed for bankruptcy in May 2009 and wants to ditch them. The company wants to move the hearings from Hawaii to Delaware, where it’s incorporated and there are more lenient tax laws. The hearing on whether or not they can change states is set for July 1, 2009.

More links on the story:

Honolulu Adverstiser

Maritime News


Superferry Chronicles

Hawaii Superferry

3-minute vacation

Traffic jams

Super puker ferry