Category Archives: Politics

Preview of Hawaii’s General Election Ballot

My absentee ballot for the November 2008 general election arrived in yesterday’s mail. Here’s what’s on the Hawaii ballot for Hawaii, Maui and Kauai counties. The ballot is two-sided.


Side 1


President  and Vice President

0 (C) Baldwin, Chuck for President and Castle, Darrell L for Vice President

0 (L) Barr, Bob for President and Root, Wayne A for Vice President

0 (R) McCain John for President and Palin, Sarah for Vice President

0 (G) McKinney, Cynthia for President and Clemente, Rosa for Vice President

0 (I) Nader, Ralph for President and Gonzalez, Matt for Vice President

0 (D) Obama, Barrack for President and Biden, Joe for Vice President

US Representative, Dist II

0 (R) Evans, Roger B

0 (D) Hirono, Mazie

0 (L) Mallan, Lloyd J (Jeff)

0 (I) Stenshol, Shaun


Board of Education, Second School Board District

1st Departmental School District Seat (Hawaii)

0 Sanborn, J. William (Bill)

0 Watanabe, Herbert S.

7th Departmental School District Seat (Kauai)

0 Cox, Maggie

0 Fillhart, Larry

Official Special OHA Election Ballot

0 Apoliona, Haunani

0 Honda, Helene SM

0 Kippen, Colin C

0 Nalua’i, Sol

Hawaii Resident Trustee

0 Lindsey, Bob

0 Meyers, William (Willy)

Kauai Resident Trustee

0 Cataluna, Donald B

Molokai Resident Trustee

0 Machado, Colette Y Piipii

0 Purdy, Waipa


Councilmember (East Maui)

0 De Naie, Lucienne (Luci)

0 Medeiros, Bill (Kauakea)

Councilmember (West Maui)

0 Fukuyama, Alan (Al)

0 Johnson, Jo Anne

Councilmember (Wailuku-Waihee-Waikapu)

0 Victorino, Michael (Mike)

Councilmember (Kahului)

0 Halpern, Netra

0 Pontanilla, Joe

Councilmember (South Maui)

0 Couch, Don

0 Nishiki, Wayne K

Councilmember (Makawao-Haiku-Paia)

0 Molina, Mike

0 Nishiki, Kai

Councilmember (Upcountry)

0 Baisa, Gladys Cohelo

0 Howden, Michael S

Councilmember (Lanai)

0 Kaho’ohalahala, Sol P

0 Ornellas, John W

Councilmember (Molokai)

0 Mateo, Danny A

Side 2


CON CON: Constitutional Convention Question

“Shal there be a convention to propose a revision of or amendments to the Constitution?

0 Yes

0 No


CON AMEND: Age Qualification for Governor

“Shall the age qualification for the office of governor and the office of lieutentant governor be reduced from thirty years of age to twenty-five years of age?

0 Yes

0 No

Real Costs of Living in Hawaii: Energy

If you’re considering a move to Hawaii, brace yourself. Hawaii has the highest energy prices in the United States. Given its remote location, heavy reliance on imported oil and creaky infrastructure, this is no big surprise. But the actual rates for residential electricity or a gallon of gas are shockingly high and continue to skyrocket.

But if you live on the Mainland and feel the squeeze of expensive energy in your neighborhood, you might take a little comfort in these eye-popping numbers from Hawaii.

On the island of Hawai’i (the Big Island):

1 gallon of gas (87, the cheap stuff) = $4.06

1 kilowatt hour of electricity = 39 cents

On the island of Kaua’i:

1 gallon of gas (87, the cheap stuff) = $4.22

1 kilowatt hour of electricity = 39.8 cents

On the island of Maui:

1 gallon of gas (87, the cheap stuff) = $4.41

1 kilowatt hour of electricity =36.4 cents

On the island of O’ahu:

1 gallon of gas (87, the cheap stuff) =$4.05

1 kilowatt hour of electricity = 35 cents

By comparison, the average Mainland price for a gallon of gas is $3.60. Residential electricity ranges from a low of 7.5 cents per kilowatt hour in Phoenix to 20.2 cents per kilowatt hour in Boston.

Gas prices are current as of 10/8/08 and come from data on . Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) rates are scheduled to rise by 5.2% in 2009 .

Last Day to Register to Vote in Hawaii for 2008 Election

The last day to register to vote in Hawaii is next Monday, October 6th.

Are you registered? Are your friends and family? Each and every vote in Hawaii is absolutely crucial on Election Day. But in just a few days, the time for bringing new voices into the political process will be over.

You need to be certain that you, your friends, and your family are registered by the deadline — it’s a small step that will have a huge impact on our nation’s future.

This election is too important to leave anything to chance. Make sure your voice is heard — and forward this page to all the Hawaiians you know.